Mukimame is Edamame

Mukimame is essentially edamame.
When you order or eat edamame, you are actually ordering or eating mukimame.
Mukimame are the seeds in the edamame pot.

I tasted edamame / mukimame for the first time at a Japanese (Asian Fusion cuisine) restaurant a few years ago as an appetizer and then found it gradually appearing in other dishes, other forms and also for sale in my local supermarket/store.

If like us you tasted edamame or mukimame at a Japanese, Asian or Fusion restaurant and you acquired a taste for it and have questions as to its nutritional benefits, recipes, if it is good or bad for certain people or conditions, how it grows, where to find it, the differences between organic, genetically modified (GMO), aims to be a full content hub for edamame and mukimame.

Browse through the pages as we continually build this edamame / mukimame content hub and learn more about it.